1. "Energy can neither be created nor be destroyed". Then why do we talk about 'Energy Crisis"?
2. What do you mean by "transformation of Energy"?
3. State the law of conservation of energy.
4. Write the characteristics of a good source of energy.
5. What are the criteria for selecting a good fuel?
6. What are fossil fuels?
7. What are renewable and non renewable sources of energy?
8. How can we decrease pollution caused by burning of fossil fuels?
9. Write the advantages and disadvantages of fossil fuels.
10. How is electrical energy produced in thermal powerplant?
11. How is electrical energy produced in hydel powerplant?
12. Explain the construction and working of a thermal poweroplant.
13. What are the drawbacks of hydro ppower station?
14. What are the problems associated with construction of big dams?
15. What is biomass?
16. Why charcoal is considered a better fuel than wood?
17. What is 'gobar gas'?
18. Draw a schematic diagram of biogas plant and explain its working.
19. What are the advantages of biogas?
20. Why converting biomass to biogas is better than burning biomass directly?
21. Describe the generation of electric energy from wind.
22. What are the advantages and disadvantages of wind energy?
23. Why we are looking for alternate sources of energy?
24. What is solar energy?
25. Describe the construction and working of a solar cooker with the help of e neat labeled diagram and explain the function of each part.
26. What is the function of plain glass sheet in a solar cooker?
27. What is greenhouse effect?
28. What are greenhouse gases?
29. What is a solar cell?
30. Why the cost of a solar cell is very high?
31. What are the limitations of a solar cell?
32. What are the advantages of a solar cell?
33. Mention some instances where solar cells are used.
34. Which are the different ways in which energy from sea can be harnessed?
35. Write notes on (a) Tidal Energy (b) Wave Energy (c) Ocean Thermal Energy
36. What is geothermal energy?
37. What is nuclear energy?
38. Name a form of energy which is not derived from the energy of sun. Justify your answer.
39. Explain the terms nuclear fission and nuclear fusion.
40. What is radiation hazard?
41. What are the advantages and disadvantages of nuclear energy?
42. What is a nuclear chain reaction?
43. What is the principle underlying the working of an atom bomb?
44. Write a note on the environmental consequences of burning fuels.
45. Why should we increase the use of renewable sources of energy to meet our day to day requirements?
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